Emerging chemicals and pollutants

Abstract Presented

Surname Name Present Topic Subject Show
1 Pizzini Sarah Oral Emerging chemicals and pollutants PROCESSES AFFECTING THE DISTRIBUTION OF ... continue
2 Ferrari Emma Oral Emerging chemicals and pollutants TEXTILE MICROFIBERS IN WILD SPECIMENS OF... continue
3 Scalabrin Elisa Oral Emerging chemicals and pollutants INFLUENCE OF AUSTRALIAN BLACK SUMMER SMO... continue
4 Magi Emanuele Oral Emerging chemicals and pollutants PASSIVE SAMPLING OF EMERGING CONTAMINANT... continue
5 Ardini Francisco Poster Emerging chemicals and pollutants HIGHLIGHTING DISTRIBUTIONS AND POTENTIAL... continue
6 Signa Geraldina Oral Emerging chemicals and pollutants COUPLED INFLUENCE OF ICE MELTING AND FEE... continue
7 Zangrando Roberta Poster Emerging chemicals and pollutants EFFLUENT WASTEWATER AS LOCAL SOURCE OF C... continue
8 Ademollo Nicoletta Poster Emerging chemicals and pollutants ARE MIGRATING SEABIRDS NESTING ALONG THE... continue