Daniela  Accettella

ABSTRACT Subject :

Mapping Mooring B and G areas: results obtained from the fruitful collaboration between ISOBATA Team and other project onboard R/V Laura Bassi

Tipe of Presentation: Oral

Topic: Marine geology and geophyisics


Alessandra  Savini
University of Milan- Bicocca - Dept. Of Earth and Environmental Sciences (DISAT)
State : Italy
e-Mail : alessandra.savini@unimib.it

Cuffaro  Marco
National Research Council of Italy, CNR-IGAG
State : Italy
e-Mail : marco.cuffaro@igag.cnr.it

Paolo  Diviacco
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS
State : Italy
e-Mail : pdiviacco@ogs.it

Filippo  Muccini
National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology - INGV
State : Italy
e-Mail : filippo.muccini@ingv.it

Francesco  Coslovich
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS
State : Italy
e-Mail : fcoslovich@ogs.it

Lorenzo  Facchin
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS
State : Italy
e-Mail : lfacchin@ogs.it

Roberto  Romeo
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS
State : Italy
e-Mail : rromeo@ogs.it

Marco  Santulin
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS
State : Italy
e-Mail : msantulin@ogs.it

Andreea  Cova
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS
State : Italy
e-Mail : acova@ogs.it

Pasquale  Castagno
University of Messina
State : Italy
e-Mail : pasquale.castagno@unime.it

Ester  Colizza
University of Trieste
State : Italy
e-Mail : colizzae@units.it

Laura  Crispini
University of Genoa - Dept. of Earth, Environment and Life Science (DiSTAV)
State : Italy
e-Mail : laura.crispini.unige.it

Laura  De Santis
State : Italy
e-Mail : ldesantis@ogs.it

Pierpaolo  Falco
arche Polytechnic University - Dept. Of Life and Environmental Science (DiSVA)
State : Italy
e-Mail : pierpaolo.falco@univpm.it

Luca  Gasperini
National Research Council of Italy, CNR-ISMAR
State : Italy
e-Mail : luca.gasperini@cnr.it

Giulia  Giorgetti
National Research Council of Italy, CNR-ISMAR
State : Italy
e-Mail : giulia.giorgetti@bo.ismar.cnr.it

Giulia Matilde  Ferrante
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS
State : Italy
e-Mail : gferrante@ogs.it

Nunziante  Langellotto
Italian Hydrographic Institute- IIM
State : Italy
e-Mail : nunziante.langellotto@marina.difesa.it

Leonardo  Langone
National Research Council of Italy, CNR-ISP
State : Italy
e-Mail : leonardo.langone@cnr.it

Tommaso  Tesi
National Research Council of Italy, CNR-ISP
State : Italy
e-Mail : tommaso.tesi@cnr.it

Riccardo  Scipinotti
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development – ENEA
State : Italy
e-Mail : riccardo.scipinotti@enea.it

Vedrana  Kovacevic
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS
State : Italy
e-Mail : vkovacevic@ogs.it

Abstract    Published : 15/02/2023 13:24:55

The Italian Southern Ocean Bathymetry for the exploitation of opportunistic seafloor datasets in the Antarctic water and surrounding areas (ISOBatA) is a project funded by the Italian Antarctic Research Program (PNRA) to improve the bathymetric coverage of the Southern Ocean (SO). ISOBatA acquisition was designed to collect data along the R/V icebreaker Laura Bassi main route: 1) back and forth New Zealand and Mario Zucchelli Station; 2) between mooring sites in the Ross Sea (MORSEA Observatory Project). Over the past 2 years, ISOBatA has succeeded in collecting a significative dataset of bathymetric, sub-bottom profiling and ADCP datasets during the MORSEA operations in the key areas of Mooring G (72° 24.4326’S, 173°03.1698’E) and B (73° 59.8118’S, 175°04.2660’E). Furthermore, ISOBatA has an open data policy and acquired data will made available to the scientific community boosting the knowledge of the covered area. Our experience has shown that opportunistic datasets collected during ship’s free time can provide new insights for the various scientific projects in SO. The interactions and collaborations amongst scientists working in different disciplines and with a sound knowledge of the study area, all together onboard the R/V Laura Bassi, furtherly enriched ISOBatA results. We believe this approach can be extremely powerful, with many advantages, and we underline the need to open a discussion on a coherent Italian strategy for data acquisition in SO during transit times.